
Eye tower village (25)

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atethrie's avatar

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Now here’s a sight for sore hearts. Girl gets to the top of the south-east hump, up out of the Teeth, and she steps foot into the coziest village you’ll find this side of the Rim. Tiny cottages, steepled rooftops, buildings with workmanship you’d never find in Maya. Eye Tower Village is where the locals who claimed this rock as home went. They found their peace with this cage and found their happiness in their own small corner. And it shows. All the buildings here are simple and inviting  tight next to each other on the edge of the small forest that rolls over the top of the hump. Like lovers embracing, the village warms the Girl up and she cracks her first smile since the Teeth. She’d been beginning to wonder if she ever would again. The well in the centre of town still holds clear water, and the Girl stops a spell and drinks her fill. She sees the open doors on every house, but she doesn’t go in. Not yet. Just as she’s pulling herself up from her drink, she hears it. The Tower’s bell clangs sharp and clear through the evening twilight, welcoming the coming evening like an old friend. The sound conjures memories of picking wild flowers when the Girl was younger. Her eyes are pulled to the forest that rises from behind the village, and it the forest’s peak and the hump’s summit, to the Eye Tower, the spire’s lighthouse. Lantern’s just fired up, and the beams are already out, cutting through the oncoming evening. She wonders why she hadn’t seen the light before. Girl doesn’t realize how low to the cloud floor she is. The lighthouse sits in proper Low Sky, and she hasn’t had much desire to look down. She starts to run through the short streets, her only thoughts now of getting to Eye Tower.   
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